Where Are My Downloads Located

Posted By admin On 30.05.20

From the Finder, you can open the Downloads folder by first clicking File → New Finder Window, or pressing the Command key+N. Then, click Downloads the left pane. You can also access your downloads using the link on the Dock. In the lower right side of the dock, click Downloads. In case you are not able to download Windows Update because of low space on the C drive, you can change where Windows 10 download updates. Follow the steps in this guide to move the Windows Update. Click the circle to the left of the 'Save files to' option to enable downloads for a specific location. If you would prefer to be asked where to save a download every time you download something, click instead the 'Always ask you where to save files' circle.


  • Now I don't have any idea about the downloaded setup Windows 10 data. It never asked the location to download it. It directly started. I searched temp but there are so many files and folders with alphanumeric names that it's not possible to figure it out. Windows 10 is becoming a real headache for me now. Menu doesn't work. PC settings won't open.
  • Jan 21, 2015  Downloading a file from the internet is easy - typically just a click or two. But knowing and controlling where downloads go takes a little more effort. When I download files like ebooks off the internet, I can never find them. Where do they go on my computer? It depends on how you download.
  • Save as a different file name, type, or download location on your PC. Run the app, extension, or other file type. After Internet Explorer runs a security scan, the file will open and run on your PC.
  • Finding the location of recent downloads depends on the Web browser and operating system used on a computer. There are usually several different methods to locate recent downloads on a Mac or PC. Microsoft Edge v41 and earlier or Internet Explorer v9-11 on Windows 8-10.

You may run disk clean up to delete the temporary files.

Issues with installation are being resolved bydisabling the Antivirus software and also by unplugging the external devices.

I would suggest you to disable antivirus and check the issue.

Note: Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you should not disable your antivirus software. If you do have to temporarily disable it to install other software, you should re-enable it as soon as you're done. If you are connected to the Internet or a network during the time your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to attacks.

Note: Before updating, make sure you have installed all available updates to your PC.

You may also run a system file checker scan and check if there are any corrupt system files.

SFC (System File Checker) is a tool which scans system files and replaces incorrect versions of the system files by using the correct versions.

Where are downloads located on my iphone

Refer the following article for more information on using SFC tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted system files:

How to: Troubleshoot common Setup and Stop Errors during Windows 10 Installation

Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors

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Please update us with the status. We will be glad to assist you.

Download purchased apps, previous versions of apps, and free trials. Also, locate apps you've already installed.

Three types of downloads are available from Adobe.com:

  • Current versions of apps for purchase
  • Trial downloads
  • Previous versions of apps purchased via electronic software download (ESD)

Log in to your Adobe ID account to download an app that you purchased from the Adobe online store, or to download a previous version of an app. A history of your ESD purchases from the Adobe Store is available in your Adobe account.


Important: If you purchased a previous version of an Adobe software product on disc, you cannot download the app from Adobe.com.

  1. Access your Adobe ID account online, and sign in with your Adobe ID and password.

  2. In the navigation bar at the top, click the Plans tab.

  3. Under Order History, click the order number for the app you are looking for.

  4. On the order page, under Items, find the app you want to download, and click Downloads and serial numbers.

When you download an app from Adobe.com, you choose a location to save the software. If you can’t remember where you saved the files, try the following solutions.

Show My Last Download


If you downloaded an app using Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista, your download could have been virtualized. See Can’t find or start the download installer.

Check the location where your browser automatically saves downloaded files:

  • Internet Explorer (Windows): C:..[user name]My DocumentsDownloads, or C:..[user name]Downloads
  • Firefox: Choose Firefox > Preferences (Mac OS) or Tools > Options (Windows). In the General tab, look in the Downloads area. The download location is in the Save Files To setting.
  • Safari (Mac OS): Choose Safari > Preferences. In the General tab, the download location is in the Save Downloaded Files To setting.
  • Google Chrome: Choose Settings > Advanced. Under Downloads,you can access the Download location setting.

Check the Downloads window (Firefox, Safari, Chrome)

Firefox and Safari track the progress of files they download. If Firefox or Safari (not Akamai Download Manager) managed the download, check the Downloads window for the location of your downloaded files:

  • Firefox: Choose Tools > Downloads, or press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Command+J (Mac OS). Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the downloaded file, and choose Open Containing Folder (Windows) or Show in Finder (Mac OS).
  • Safari (Mac OS): Choose Window > Downloads or press Option+Command+L. Control-click the downloaded file and choose Show in Finder.
  • Google Chrome: Choose Settings > Downloads or press Ctrl+J. Click the Show in folder link under the downloaded file.

Search your hard disks for the downloaded files using either of the following criteria:

Where Are My Downloads Located On My Mac

  • Look for files modified on the date that you downloaded.
  • If you downloaded a CS5 application, look for files that contain CS5. On Windows, you can add wildcards by searching for *CS5*.


For assistance with searching your hard disk, see the Help files for your operating system.

If Akamai Download Manager on Firefox or Safari managed the download, Akamai Download Manager’s log file of the download session contains the location of the saved download. To use the log file to find your downloaded file, use the steps for your browser and operating system below.

  1. Open %USERPROFILE%.DownloadManager.DMQueue in a text editor such as Notepad.

  2. Look at the top of the log file for the following line: ;LAST_TARGET_FOLDER=[disk location]. For example, this line indicates that the file was saved to your desktop:

    ;LAST_TARGET_FOLDER=C:Documents and Settings[username]desktop

  1. Open Terminal and type the following command: grep LAST_TARGET_FOLDER ~/.DownloadManager/.DMQueue

  2. Look in the Terminal window for the location of the saved file. For example, this line indicates that the file was saved to your desktop:

    % grep LAST_TARGET_FOLDER ~/.DownloadManager/.DMQueue ;LAST_TARGET_FOLDER=/Users/[username]/desktop %

Find downloads for Adobe product purchased via Retail

If you purchased an Adobe product via a retail outlet, such as BestBuy or Amazon.com, and no longer have the installation media, you may be able to download your software from the Other Downloads page on Adobe.com.

Where is my downloads folder windows 10

If you can’t find your downloaded file, try the download again. Or, see any of the following for more help, depending on what you are downloading:

You can also visit the Download, install, and setup forum for help from other customers.

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