Public Administration Books Pdf Download

Posted By admin On 30.05.20

Public Administration eBook - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search. Public Administration Syllabus-To know UPSC Syllabus is the first priority for every aspirants in UPSC exam preparation. UPSC has defined its optional paper syllabus for UPSC exam where more than 20 subjects are listed. Public administration is one of the favorite subject for large number of aspirants in UPSC mains exam due to various reasons.

Pawan sir Notes Public Administration PDF Free IAS Optional – This is one of the Most Popular Optional Subject in UPSC Civil Services Examination . Most of the Students Choose this Subject as A Optional Subject For UPSC Exam .

Here we are providing you Public Administration Notes Pdf free For Upcoming UPSC Mains Exam.

Pawan sir Notes Public Administration PDF Free IAS Optional

Here I am Providing you the Notes of Pawan SIR – Public Administration Handwritten Notes . Below I Am providing a Review about Pawan Sir Classes of Public Administration .

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  • Teaches the administrative thinkers very well
  • He combines a few chapters of paper 1 and paper 2 together rather than teaching them separately just to show the interconnection between the topics in paper 1 and 2
  • Makes you feel like you will get easy 300+ as long as you are reading his class notes and are upto date on current affairs/administration topics i.e. he keeps your morale high
  • Has a lucid way of explaining things
  • He is more than willing to help you you understand concepts in economics (outside of class) if you are struggling. (Taught economics at LSE)
  • Great for those who have already studied Pub Ad on their own before because his classes are basically review and maybe your concepts will become much clearer.

public administration notes pdf 2018 Free Download for UPSC Mains 2018

You may Also Like – Download IAS Topper Gaurav Agarwal Notes PDF

Pawan sir Notes Public Administration Class Notes Part 1

Pawan sir Notes Public Administration Class Notes Part 2

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  1. Index of B.A. Public Administration
  2. Index of M.A. Public Administration

Just scroll down to download links, if you don’t want to hear my undiplomatic Pravachan hahaha.

  • Public Administration is best for working professionals, it is very easy, can be taken by graduate from any stream, can be managed in a few months, has lot of synergy with general studies blah blah blah”….this is a common sales pitch is used by coaching sirs to get new customers.
  • Now that UPSC reformed the General studies syllabus for mains, they’re making even higher claims about Public Administration vs GS synergy, with specific emphasis on the newly introduced ethics paper, as if all the 1000 vacancies are reserved for Public Administration candidates only.
  • Anyways, they have to paint rosy good picture, because some of them have families to feed and some of them just want to mint truckload of cash beyond what is necessary to maintain an upper-middleclass life style. Same goes geography, sociology, political science, anthropology etc.
  • Yes, the length of syllabus, synergy with GS, availability of books and guidance, graduation background….all those factors should be considered before picking up a subject but don’t pick up a subject only based on somebody’s sales pitch.
  • Public Administration used to be the perfect wife so UPSC decided to play Lalita Pawar in CSE 2012- in terms of unpredictable questions, merciless evaluation and scaling. Many sincere candidates ended up with ridiculously low two-digit scores.
  • But whether you should keep Public Administration or leave her, that decision should not be made on the statistical inference from the two-digit scores in CSE-2012 alone, because there is no guarantee that UPSC won’t play Lalita Pawar again when you get a new bride (sociology, political science etc.) in 2013.
  • Besides, despite what happened in CSE-2012, there are toppers in the final list, with Public Administration optional and same will happen in CSE-2013 as well.
  • My point being: One should be careful about optionals just like in marriage and divorce. Decisions should not be made in haste during the heat of anger or passion or at the insistence of a third party.
  • X subject is good because 50 people were selected from there, and Y subject is bad because only 20 people were selected: please don’t use that criteria for subject selection. All you need and all you can occupy is just one seat in the final merit list. UPSC is not about statistics of masses, it’s about an individual’s determination, perseverance, hard work and of course, good luck.
  • UPSC’s treatment to Public Administration could be seen as an attempt to reduce the monopoly held by Public Administration, geography etc. in the final merit list and to promote “inclusive growth and equal opportunity” to candidates from unpopular technical subjects. (btw, @UPSC Chairman: where were you sleeping all these years when technical subjects were given step motherly treatment and coaching classes flourished like an algal bloom? How about retrospective justice, compensation or at least an apology to those retired players from odd-technical subjects who suffered at the hands of UPSC’s scaling in the previous years!)
  • Anyways, to survive in the present environment of UPSC, one should expand his reading; maintain, update and revise his notes on regular basis; and practice answer writing. So far as Public Administration goes, IGNOU still has its uses, so here I’ve compiled its BA, MA (direct downloads for full sets, no registration needed) + notes of three toppers + last 34 years papers of Public Administration (1979-2012).
  1. Majority of these PDF files provides direct copying of text. => That means you can use Mrunal’s autonotemaker to quickly make notes and mindmaps out of it, just use mouse cursor to highlight a particular line /phrase and my software will copy its text in a separate file. for more instructions click me
  2. Foxit PDF reader. (necessary prerequisite for using Mrunal’s autonotemaker) click me
  3. 7-zip (for unzipping the files) click me. Reason for using 7zip, because it provides extreme level of compression. MA Public Policy set is almost 70MB but 7zip compressed it down to just 9MB.
IGNOU BA Public AdministrationClick ME
IGNOU MA Public AdministrationClick ME
Notes of Toppers (2011)
  1. Neeraj Singh (AIR 11)
  2. Om Kashera (AIR 17)
  3. Kshitij Tyagi (AIR 148)
Click ME
Last 34 years’ Public Administration (Mains) UPSC Question Papers (1979 to 2012)Click me
Reports of 2nd ARC
IGNOU Lectures on Public Administration (Youtube)Click me
UGC lectures on Public Administration (Youtube)Click me

Now here is the index and syllabus of BA and MA course + official syllabus of UPSC Public Administration Mains.

BPAE-102 Indian Administration

  1. Administrative System at the Advent of British Rule
  2. British Administration- 1757-1858
  3. Reforms in British Administration- 1858 to 1919
  4. Administrative System under 1935 Act
  5. Continuity and Change in Indian Administration- Post 1947
  6. Constitutional Framework
  7. Central Secretariat- Organisation and Functions
  8. Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Secretariat
  9. Union Public Service Commission-Selection Commission
  10. Planning Process
  11. All India and Central Services
  12. Constitutional Profile of State Administration
  13. State Secretariat- Organisation and Functions
  14. Patterns of Relationship Between the Secretariat and Directorates
  15. State Services and Public Service Commission
  16. Field Administration
  17. District Collector
  18. Police Administration
  19. Municipal Administration
  20. Panckayati Raj
  21. Socio-Cultural Factors and Administration
  22. Redressal of Public Grievances
  23. Administrative Tribunals
  24. Judicial Administration
  25. Centre- State Administrative Relationship
  26. Decentralisation Debate
  27. Relationship Between Political and Permanent Executives
  28. Pressure Groups
  29. Generalists and Specialists
  30. Administrative Reforms

EPA-01 Administrative Theory

  1. Public Administration – Meaning and Scope
  2. Importance of Public Administration
  3. Public Administration and other Social Sciences
  4. Evolution of Public Administration
  5. Comparative Public Administration
  6. Development Administration
  7. New Public Administration
  8. Classical Approach-Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick
  9. Scientific Management-F.W. Taylor
  10. Human Relations Approach-Elton Mayo
  11. System Approach-Chester Barnard
  12. Behavioural Approach-Herbert Simon
  13. Social Psychological Approach-Douglas McGregor and Abraham Maslow
  14. Ecological Approach-Fred. W. Riggs
  15. Meaning of Bureaucracy
  16. Max Weber
  17. Karl Marx
  18. Representative Bureaucracy
  19. Issues in Bureaucracy
  20. Formal and Informal Organisations
  21. Division of Work and Coordination
  22. Hierarchy
  23. Span of Control
  24. Unity of Command
  25. Centralisation and Decentralisation
  26. Delegation
  27. Supervision
  28. Communication
  29. Administrative Planning
  30. Authority and Responsibility
  31. Leadership
  32. Chief Executive
  33. Line Agencies
  34. Staff and Auxiliary Agencies
  35. Budgeting
  36. Accountability
  37. Citizen and Administration
  38. Organisational Effectiveness
  39. Administrative Theory-An Evaluation

EPA-03 Development Administration

  1. Development Administration – Concept and Meaning
  2. Scope and Significance
  3. Evolution
  4. Growth of Development Administration
  5. Indias Socio-economjc Profile at Independence
  6. Mixed Economy Model and hs Rationale and Significance
  7. Role of Planning
  8. Goals of Development
  9. Planning Commission and National Development Council
  10. State Planning Machinery
  11. District Planning
  12. Grass Roots Planning
  13. Role of Bureaucracy
  14. Colonial Heritage of Indian Bureaucracy
  15. Social Background of Indian Bureaucracy
  16. Neutral vs Committed Bureaucracy
  17. Bureaucrats and Politicians and their Relationship
  18. Enhancing Bureaucratic Capability
  19. Concept of Democratic Decentralisation
  20. Evolution and Role of Panchayati Raj
  21. Emerging Patterns of Panchayati Raj
  22. Problems and Prospects of Panchayati Raj
  23. Role of Voluntary Agencies
  24. Co-operatives and Development
  25. Specialised Agencies for Development
  26. Evolution and Expansion of Public Sector
  27. Forms of Public Enterprise
  28. Role of Development Corporations
  29. Administrative Problems of Public Sector

Classics Of Public Administration Pdf

EPA-04 Personnel Administration

  1. Concept, Nature and Scope of Personnel Administration
  2. Functions and Significance of Personnel Administration
  3. Public Services and their Role in Administrative System
  4. Characteristics of Public Personnel Administration in India
  5. Civil Service in the Context of Modern Bureaucracy
  6. Bases of Bureaucracy
  7. Development of Public Services in India
  8. Classification of Services (Cadres)
  9. Generalists and Specialists
  10. Personnel-UPSC-SPSC-SSC
  11. Central and State Training Institutes
  12. Administrative Tribunals
  13. Career Planning and Development
  14. Personnel Policy
  15. Recruitment (Reservation in Services)
  16. Promotion
  17. Training
  18. Performance Appraisal
  19. Salary Administration (Including Incentives & Other Benefits)
  20. Conduct and Discipline
  21. Administrative Ethics and Integrity in Civil Services
  22. Employee Unions
  23. Joint Consultative Machinery
  24. Rights Of Public Servants
  25. Motivation And Morale

EPA-05 Financial Administration

  1. Nature and Scope of Financial Administration
  2. Objectives and Principles of Financial Administration
  3. Mixed Economy
  4. Centre-State Financial Relations-I
  5. Centre-State Financial Relations-II
  6. Fiscal Policy, Equity and Social Justice
  7. Government Budgeting – Principles and Functions
  8. Indian Budgetary System
  9. Classification of Government Expenditure
  10. Public Expenditure- Theories and Growth
  11. Performance Budgeting
  12. Zero Base Budgeting
  13. Sources of Revenue – Tax and Non-Tax
  14. Deficit Financing
  15. Public Debt Management and Role of Reserve Bank of India
  16. Financial Appraisal
  17. Economic and Social Appraisal
  18. Legislative Control
  19. System of Financial Committees
  20. Executive Control
  21. Accounting System in India
  22. Auditing System in India
  23. Role of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)
  24. Financial Administration of Public Enterprises
  25. Financial Autonomy and Accountability of Public Enterprises
  26. Financial Administration of Urban Governments
  27. Financial Administration of Rural Governments

EPA-06 Public Policy

  1. Public Policy – Meaning And Nature
  2. Policy Cycle – Constraints in Policy Making
  3. Contextual Setting of Public Policy Making
  4. Importance of Public Policy Study – Modern Context
  5. Emerging Discipline of Policy Sciences
  6. Inter-Govermental Relations
  7. Role of Political Executive
  8. Role of Bureaucracy
  9. Role of Legislature
  10. Role of judiciary
  11. Interaction Amongst Various Organs
  12. Case Study of The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976-I
  13. Case Study of The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976-II
  14. Interest Groups and Policy-Making
  15. Political Parties and Policy- Making
  16. Mass Media
  17. Socail Movements
  18. International Agencies
  19. Role of Governmental Agencies in Policy Implementation-I
  20. Role of Government Agencies in Policy Implementation-II
  21. Role of Non-governmental Agencies in Policy Implementation
  22. Policy Implementation Problems
  23. Land Reforms
  24. Anti-poverty Programmes
  25. Industrial Policy
  26. Panchayati Raj (Rural Development)
  27. Policy Impact and Evaluation
  28. Policy Making Approaches and Models of Policy Analysis
  29. Policy Analysis- An Overview

MPA-011 State, Society and Public Administration

  1. Nature of State
  2. Relationship among State, Society and Public Administration
  3. Changing Role of the State- Issues and Challenges
  4. Liberal and Marxist Perspective of the State
  5. Neo-liberal Perspective
  6. Gandhian Perspective
  7. Interface between Citizens and Administration
  8. Democratic Peoples Struggle- Case Studies
  9. Changing Norms of Social Equity, Participation, Flexibility and Autonomy
  10. Social Participation- Issues of Gender, Weaker Sections and Environment
  11. Changing Nature of Indian State
  12. Role of Bureaucracy in Policy Formulation, Implementation and Analysis
  13. Contemporary Context of Indian Bureaucracy
  14. Impact of Globalisation on Administration
  15. Challenges to Traditional Bureaucratic Paradigm
  16. Emerging Concepts- New Public Management, Reinventing Government and Business Process Reengineering
  17. Concept of Good Governance
  18. Governmental Institutions- Towards Reforms
  19. Growing Role of Civil Society Organisations
  20. Redefinition of Conflict Resolution
  21. Ethical Concerns in Public Administration

MPA-012 Administrative Theory

  1. Public Administration – Meaning, Nature and Scope and Importance
  2. Nature and Typologies of Organisation
  3. Development and Growth of Administrative Theories
  4. Scientific Management Approach
  5. Administrative Management Approach
  6. Max Webers Theory of Bureaucracy
  7. Critique of Bureaucracy
  8. Human Relations Approach
  9. Views of Herbert A. Simon on Decisoin-Making in an Organisation
  10. Organisational Structure, Processes and Functioning
  11. Socio-Psychological Approach- Views of Chris Argyris
  12. Socio-Psychological Approach- Views of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg
  13. Socio-Psychological Approach- Views of Doughlas Mcgregor and Victor Vroom
  14. Open and Cooperative Systems
  15. Systems Approach- Views of David Easton and Chester Barnard
  16. Concept of Learning Organisation
  17. New Organisational Culture
  18. New Public Administration
  19. Perspective of Public Choice
  20. Pertinence of Critical Theory
  21. New Public Management Perspective
  22. State of Administrative Theory in 21st Century

MPA-013 Public Systems Management

  1. Public Systems Management- Concept, Nature, Scope and Characteristics
  2. Distinctiveness of Public Systems Management
  3. Public Systems Management- Constitutional Context
  4. Public Systems Management- Political Context
  5. Public Systems Management- Socio-economic Context
  6. New Technologies and Public Systems Management
  7. Concept of Governance- An Introduction
  8. Governance- Role of Bureaucracy and Political Executive
  9. Governance- Role of the Legislature and the Judiciary
  10. Inter-governmental Relations in the Process of Governance
  11. Financial Management
  12. Materials-Logistics Management
  13. Strategic Management
  14. Key Management Tools
  15. Management Information System
  16. Work Measurement
  17. Selective Market Techniques
  18. Future Designing Techniques
  19. Accountability
  20. Responsiveness in Public System Management
  21. Transparency and Right to Information
  22. Networking and Inter-institutional Coordination in Governance
  23. Reforms and Change Management
  24. Empowerment
  25. Continuity and Change in Public Systems Management

MPA-014 Human Resource Management

  1. Human Resource Management- Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance
  2. Strategic Human Resource Management
  3. Human Resource Planning and Strategy
  4. Job Analysis and Job Design
  5. Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Promotion
  6. Performance Appraisal
  7. Remuneration and Salary System
  8. Rewards and Incentive Management
  9. Employee Benefits
  10. Training and Development
  11. Redeployment and Reskilling
  12. Learning and Development
  13. Management Development
  14. Employee Capacity Building Strategies
  15. Total Quality Management
  16. Employee Health and Safety
  17. Human Resource Management and Employment Involvement
  18. Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
  19. Discipline and Grievances
  20. Assessing Human Resource Management Effectiveness
  21. Human Resource Audit
  22. Managing Change at the Work Place
  23. Stress Management

Public Administration Notes Pdf

MPA-015 Public Policy and Analysis

  1. Understanding Public Policy
  2. The Policy Cycle
  3. Models of Public Policy
  4. Importance of Public Policy- Contemporary Context
  5. Policy Sciences
  6. Role of Inter-Governmental Relations in Policy-Making
  7. Role of Planning Commission and National Development Council in Policy Formulation
  8. Role of Cabinet Secretariat and Prime Ministers Office in Policy-Making
  9. Role of Civil Society Organisations in Policy-Making
  10. Role of International Agencies in Policy-Making
  11. Constraints in Public Policy Formulation
  12. Public Policy- Implementation System and Models
  13. Role of Various Agencies in Policy Implementation
  14. Policy Implementation Problems
  15. Monitoring of Public Policy-I
  16. Monitoring of Public Policy-II
  17. Understanding Policy Evaluation
  18. Ascertaining Policy Impact
  19. Policy Analysis
  20. Policy Analysis- Methods and Techniques-I
  21. Policy Analysis- Methods and Techniques-II
  22. Policy Analysis- Optimisation Studies
  23. Disinvestment Policy- A Case Study of India
  24. Telecom Policy- A Case Study of India

MPA-016 Decentralisation and Local Governance

Public Administration Books Pdf Download Sites

  1. Concept, Evolution and Significance of Democratic Decentralisation
  2. Contextual Dimensions of Democratic Decentralisation-1- Political, Constitutional and Administrative
  3. Contextual Dimensions of Democratic Decentralisation-2- Social, Economic and Geographical
  4. Understanding Decentralisation in Contemporary Settings
  5. Components of Decentralised Development – I- Empowerment
  6. Components of Decentralised Development – II- Socioeconomic and Politico-administrative
  7. Components of Decentralised Development – III Equal Distribution of Benefits of Development
  8. Partnership Among Different Levels of Government – I- Union and State Governments
  9. Partnership Among Different Levels of Government – II- Local Authorities and Special Purpose Agencies
  10. Partnership Between Local Government and Non-State Agencies-Actors
  11. Impact of Decentralised Development
  12. Evolution of Local Governance (Before 73rd & 74th) Amendment
  13. Features Of 73rd and 74th constitutional Amendment
  14. Organisational Structure of Rural Local Bodies
  15. Organisational Structure of Urban Local Bodies
  16. Intra-Local Government Relationship-I– Rural
  17. Intra-Local Government Relationship- II- Urban
  18. Development Planning- Nature and Scope
  19. Micro Level Plans- Formulation and Implementation
  20. Structural Reforms- Resources, Finances, Powers and Functions
  21. Capacity Building of Grassroots Functionaries
  22. Sustainable Development and Challenges to Decentralised Governance
  23. Decentralisation- The Road Ahead

MPA-017 Electronic Governance

  1. E-Governance- Concept and Significance
  2. Information and Communication Technology- Concept and Components
  3. ICTs- Roles and Applications
  4. Role of ICT in Administration
  5. Administrative Organisation Culture- Towards ICT Based Reforms
  6. Role of ICT in Rural Development
  7. Panchayati Raj Institutions- Improving Self- Governance Through ICT
  8. E-Learning- Role of ICT in Education and Training
  9. E-Commerce
  10. Delivery of Citizen Services- Role of ICT
  11. ICT in Indian Railways
  12. Saukaryam- ICT Project in Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation, Andhra Pradesh
  13. E-Seva- ICT Project in Self-Help in Andhra Pradesh
  14. Information Policy- Right to Information Act 2005
  15. ICT Implementation in Governance- Issues and Challenges

MPA-018 Disaster Management

  1. Meaning and Classification of Disasters
  2. Disaster Management Cycle
  3. Disaster Management – Recent Trends
  4. Disaster Preparedness- Indian Context
  5. Disaster Prevention
  6. Vulnerability Analysis and Risk Assessment
  7. Resource Analysis and Mobilisation
  8. Disaster Mitigation
  9. Community Based Disaster Management
  10. Search, Rescue and Evacuation
  11. Temporary Shelter, Warehousing And Stockpiling
  12. Distribution of Relief Material
  13. Emergency Operation Centers
  14. Damage Assessment
  15. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
  16. Disasters and Development
  17. First Responders
  18. Disaster Manager
  19. Disaster Management Strategies

MPS-003 India Democracy and Development

(It is a common course offered under IGNOU’s MA Socio and MA PubAD programs, and provides lot of useful fodder material for General studies and both optionals.)

  1. National Movement
  2. Development Models
  3. Constitution And Social Transformation
  4. Diversity
  5. Inequality
  6. Political Economy
  7. Economy-Structure And Growth
  8. Legislature
  9. Bureaucracy, Police, Army
  10. Judiciary
  11. Federalism
  12. Self Government
  13. Political Parties
  14. Workers And Peasents
  15. Media
  16. Interest Groups
  17. Caste, Regligion, Language
  18. Civil Society
  19. Human Development
  20. Gender
  21. Regional Imbalances
  22. Migration
  23. Environment
  24. Economic Reforms
  25. Religious Politics
  26. Ethnicity
  27. Democracy And Development-Assessment
  1. Introduction:
    1. Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration
    2. Wilson’s vision of Public Administration
    3. Evolution of the discipline and its present status
    4. New Public Administration
    5. Public Choice approach
    6. Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation
    7. Good Governance: concept and application
    8. New Public Management.
  2. Administrative Thought:
    1. Scientific Management and Scientific Management movement
    2. Classical Theory
    3. Weber’s bureaucratic model – its critique and post-Weberian Developments
    4. Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett)
    5. Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others)
    6. Functions of the Executive (C.I. Barnard)
    7. Simon’s decision-making theory
    8. Participative Management (R. Likert, C. Argyris, D. McGregor).
  3. Administrative Behaviour:
    1. Process and techniques of decision-making
    2. Communication
    3. Morale
    4. Motivation Theories – content, process and contemporary
    5. Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modern.
  4. Organisations:
    1. Theories – systems, contingency
    2. Structure and forms: Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies,
    3. Boards and Commissions
    4. Ad hoc and advisory bodies
    5. Headquarters and Field relationships
    6. Regulatory
    7. Authorities
    8. Public – Private Partnerships.
  5. Accountability and control:
    1. Concepts of accountability and control
    2. Legislative, Executive and Judicial control over administration
    3. Citizen and Administration
    4. Role of media, interest groups, voluntary organizations
    5. Civil society
    6. Citizen’s Charters
    7. Right to Information
    8. Social audit.
  6. Administrative Law:
    1. Meaning, scope and significance
    2. Dicey on Administrative law
    3. Delegated legislation
    4. Administrative Tribunals.
  7. Comparative Public Administration: (CPA)
    1. Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems
    2. Administration and politics in different countries
    3. Current status of Comparative Public Administration
    4. Ecology and administration
    5. Riggsian models and their critique.
  8. Development Dynamics: (DA)
    1. Concept of development
    2. Changing profile of development administration
    3. ‘Antidevelopment thesis’
    4. Bureaucracy and development
    5. Strong state versus the market debate
    6. Impact of liberalisation on administration in developing countries
    7. Women and development – the self-help group movement.
  9. Personnel Administration:
    1. Importance of human resource development
    2. Recruitment, training, career advancement, position
    3. classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions
    4. employer-employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism
    5. Code of conduct
    6. Administrative ethics.
  10. Public Policy:
    1. Models of policy-making and their critique
    2. Processes of conceptualisation, planning, implementation,
    3. monitoring, evaluation and review and their limitations
    4. State theories and public policy formulation.
  11. Techniques of Administrative Improvement:
    1. Organisation and methods, Work study and work management
    2. e-governance and information technology
    3. Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM.
  12. Financial Administration:
    1. Monetary and fiscal policies
    2. Public borrowings and public debt Budgets – types and forms
    3. Budgetary process
    4. Financial accountability
    5. Accounts and audit.
  1. Evolution of Indian Administration:
    1. Kautilya’s Arthashastra
    2. Mughal administration
    3. Legacy of British rule in politics and administration.
    4. Indianization of public services
    5. revenue administration
    6. district administration
    7. Local self-government.
  2. Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government:
    1. Salient features and value premises
    2. Constitutionalism
    3. Political culture
    4. Bureaucracy and democracy
    5. Bureaucracy and development.
  3. Public Sector Undertakings:
    1. Public sector in modern India
    2. Forms of Public Sector Undertakings
    3. Problems of autonomy, accountability and control
    4. Impact of liberalization and privatization.
  4. Union Government and Administration:
    1. structure, functions, work processes (and Recent trends) of
      1. Executive
      2. Parliament
      3. Judiciary
    2. Intragovernmental relations
    3. Cabinet Secretariat
    4. Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
    5. Central Secretariat
    6. Ministries and Departments
    7. Boards Commissions
    8. Attached offices
    9. Field organizations.
  5. Plans and Priorities:
    1. Machinery of planning
    2. Role, composition and functions of the
      1. Planning Commission
      2. National Development Council
    3. ‘Indicative’ planning
    4. Process of plan formulation at Union and State levels
    5. Constitutional Amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.
  6. State Government and Administration:
    1. Union-State relations
      1. administrative
      2. legislative
      3. financial relations
    2. Role of the Finance Commission
    3. Governor
    4. Chief Minister
    5. Council of Ministers
    6. Chief Secretary
    7. State Secretariat
    8. Directorates.
  7. District Administration since Independence:
    1. Changing role of the Collector
    2. Unionstate-local relations
    3. Imperatives of development management
    4. law and order administration
    5. District administration
    6. democratic decentralization.
  8. Civil Services:
    1. Constitutional position
    2. Structure, recruitment, training and capacity-building
    3. Good governance initiatives
    4. Code of conduct and discipline
    5. Staff associations
    6. Political rights
    7. Grievance redressal mechanism
    8. Civil service neutrality
    9. Civil service activism.
  9. Financial Management:
    1. Budget as a political instrument
    2. Parliamentary control of public expenditure
    3. Role of finance ministry in monetary and fiscal area
    4. Accounting techniques
    5. Audit
    6. Role of Controller General of Accounts
    7. Role of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
  10. Administrative Reforms since Independence:
    1. Major concerns
    2. Important Committees and Commissions
    3. Reforms in financial management and human resource development
    4. Problems of implementation.
  11. Rural Development:
    1. Institutions and agencies since independence
    2. Rural development programmes: foci and strategies
    3. Decentralization and Panchayati Raj
    4. 73rd Constitutional amendment.
  12. Urban Local Government:
    1. Municipal governance: main features, structures, finance and problem areas
    2. 74th Constitutional Amendment
    3. Globallocal debate
    4. New localism
    5. Development dynamics, politics and administration with special reference to city management.
  13. Law and Order Administration:
    1. British legacy
    2. National Police Commission
    3. Investigative agencies
    4. Role of central and state agencies including paramilitary forces in maintenance of law and order and countering insurgency and terrorism
    5. Criminalisation of politics and administration (lolz)
    6. Police-public relations
    7. Reforms in Police.
  14. Significant issues in Indian Administration:
    1. Values in public service
    2. Regulatory Commissions
    3. National Human Rights Commission
    4. Problems of administration in coalition regimes
    5. Citizen-administration interface
    6. Corruption and administration
    7. Disaster management.

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