New Star Trek Pc Games

Posted By admin On 31.05.20
  1. Free Star Trek Pc Games
  2. New Star Trek Pc Games Free Download

Jan 17, 2015  Computer gaming arguably started with a Star Trek game, and there have been countless games spanning the vast Star Trek universe since then. Some are undeniable classics that changed the industry; others are total stinkers that abuse Star Trek's good name. To help you navigate the good from the bad, here's our list of the 10 Best Star Trek games in the quadrant. Star Trek: Starfleet Command (1999) (PC) The Star Trek: Star Fleet Battles board game is a ton of fun, but like most hard-core board games, it requires a lot of tedious setting up, learning the.

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Top 10 Star Trek Games

New Star Trek Pc GamesNew

Between Star Trek Beyondꞌs debut on July 22 and the franchiseꞌs 50th anniversary in September, 2016 is a great time to be a Star Trek fan. Assuming youꞌve already binge-watched the entire series, there are still plenty of ways to get your fill of Gene Roddenberryꞌs timeless sci-fi universe. There have been dozens of Star Trek video games over the years, but like many licensed games, the ratio of wheat to chaff is not favorable. Donꞌt waste your hard-earned latinum on second-rate Star Trek titles; boldly go for the best with this handy list.

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Free Star Trek Pc Games

Fans of the franchise know that Star Trek offers them a rich and diverse universe of content, from the thought-provoking original 1966 television series, to the growing library of novels, to the modern action-packed J.J. Abrams films. But video games have also long offered Star Trek fans a wealth of entertainment, and the history of Star Trek video games is just as diverse as the broader franchise, if not more so.

New Star Trek Pc Games Free Download

There has surely been some terrible software that carried the Star Trek name, but before we get all logical like a Vulcan and address the failures, let’s be optimistic like Humans and focus on the good stuff. Here are our Top 10 Star Trek games, spanning almost 25 years across multiple platforms. You can navigate the list using the Next/Previous buttons below, or jump directly to a page by clicking on the corresponding number.